Low-Code for Financial Services

Thanks to low-code technology, financial institutions can create compliant financial applications at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional development. Betty Blocks offers a comprehensive application platform for building, customizing, and augmenting financial service software.

How Betty Blocks helps build financial services applications:


Build better inter-customer relationships by creating tailor-made solutions.


Pivot in tandem with industry regulations through scalable low-code capabilities.


Foster operational excellence through automatic workflows and processes.

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Financial services applications with low-code

Within the financial services sector, there is a pressing need for innovation and modernization of existing solutions. Digital-only banks, automated compliance checks, and intuitive mobile banking applications have become the norm across the entire industry. With the Betty Blocks low-code platform, financial organizations can keep up in the race for digital innovation.

Data security

With ever-changing industry regulations, there is a continuous need to improve how data is sent, handled, and protected by adding an extra security layer around internal financial systems.

Legacy systems

Technical debt has become more prevalent in financial systems over the years. Augment cumbersome legacy systems by using low-code to customize and extend existing system capabilities.

Consumer expectations

There is an increasing consumer demand for personalized digital experiences. Low-code can help to customize existing customer-facing applications and portals.

Automate processes

By automating processes such as quote generations, customer checks, and claims processing, financial service organizations are cutting costs, reducing risk, and improving the customer experience.

Beat the competition

Fintech startups continue to introduce new services, making it harder for rigid enterprises to keep up. A low-code platform offers an agile way of updating and developing financial software solutions.

Increase adoption

Use the rapid prototyping capabilities of a low-code platform to align early on in the development stage on user requirements, resulting in applications tailored to the end user and with a much higher adoption rate.

Extend capabilities of accounting tools with low-code

What sets Betty Blocks apart from other low-code platforms is its strong capability to augment existing software with advanced and custom functionalities. Accounting tools are often rigid and hard to scale with growing businesses. Their lack of secure API connectors makes integrations with various third-party data sets cumbersome and complex. Betty Blocks low-code can augment the existing accounting tool’s capabilities and build secure connectors between different applications for increased performance and smoother business processes.
Extend Exact capabilities


Many Exact users experience issues with the outdated interface, which makes navigation difficult and hampers efficiency. There is also a lack of advanced features, which makes analytical tasks more cumbersome, especially for large enterprises. With Betty Blocks' low-code platform, the above issues can be addressed swiftly and securely. 

  • Create an integrated hub that displays multiple external data sources in a centralized dashboard in Twinfield with a custom low-code connection. 

  • An advanced analytics module can be created to provide users with forecasting and custom financial models, making the dashboard more intuitive. 

  • Extend and automate billing and subscription lifecycle capabilities.

Extend Twinfield capabilities


While Twinfield offers a solid bookkeeping system, some users have reported that the learning curve involved in mastering the platform is steeper than that of other accounting tools. Twinfield is also not optimized to handle large data sets, causing it to become slow and unresponsive when multiple data sources are involved. Constraints within the native API connections make resolving this issue difficult.

  • Create more intuitive workflows by creating automated workarounds with low-code. 

  • Augment Twinfield by adding real-time data synchronization features, allowing for bi-directional data flows and improving load times. 

  • Betty Blocks can act as a centralized integration platform between Twinfiel and other essential enterprise systems, vastly improving API connectivity. 

Extend Quickbooks capabilities


Customers of Quickbooks have reported that the dashboard interface is often confusing and cluttered. Their multi-tiered pricing plan unlocks new features with each tier, driving up the price significantly just to be able to utilize basic tools. This also makes the interface feel crowded, as if features are just stacked on top of each other, and offers less of a natural workflow. Low-code can help with creating automated workflows and data imports that are much more flexible than Quickbooks’ original offering. 

  • Augment the existing dashboarding tools with low-code to enable drag-and-drop reporting and automate data exports.

  • Build connections between Quickbooks data and business-critical ERP and CRM systems for increased usability. 

  • Develop a context-driven AI support bot to help with the onboarding of new users. 

Extend Xero capabilities


Xero offers reliable accounting software for small businesses. However, businesses that wish to scale upwards are experiencing issues with the platform due to increased data loads and increased demand for advanced functionalities. The lack of solid API connections makes expanding the Xero tool suite a tough undertaking. 

  • Develop advanced analytical reporting to keep up with business demands.

  • Use low-code and AI to create an insightful forecasting dashboard to support the Xero tool suite.

  • Create automated systems such as bank reconciliation using the Betty Blocks platform and connect it with Xero data.

Extend Sage capabilities


Sage is an extensive business management tool that is quintessential in many financial organizations. However, Sage can be difficult for first-time users, lengthening onboarding time and decreasing productivity. Organizations looking to customize their tech stack may find Sage too rigid and hard to integrate with mission-critical ERP, CRM, and payroll systems. Currently, users have no centralized ticketing system for logging performance issues.

  • Use low-code to create an interactive training platform for Sage tools to help onboard new hires. 

  • Create a drag-and-drop workflow builder that allows users to design and implement custom workflows and automate repetitive tasks.

  • Build a central ticketing system with emphasis on the priority and severity of the issue.



Industry challenges driving change

Shared challenges

Though the financial sector can be broken down into various sub-sectors — banking, insurance, accounting, trading, real estate, and so on — many of these sub-sectors share common challenges. Some challenges are just as pertinent across all financial sector organizations, such as tackling cybercrime, modernizing legacy systems, and changing regulations. 

For those financial services organizations that are able — and willing — to rise to these challenges by using technology such as no-code, the future looks a whole lot more optimistic.

Financial services sector challenges

  • Financial organizations are “leading targets of cyber attacks”
  • Outdated processes that cost time and money, and are highly error-prone
  • Increasing competition from fintech startups
  • Legacy systems are preventing organizations from moving forward
  • Changing regulations that require fast responses from financial organizations

Low-code use cases in the finance sector


Bespoke portals

Foster better company-client relationships by creating branded customer-facing portals. Use low-code to quickly build custom portals complete with SSO login to give both clients and internal employees access to products seamlessly. 


Centralized data

Pulling together data sets from different sources with low-code creates a centralized platform for data ownership. Secure and encrypted data connection points between tools make haphazard spreadsheets obsolete. 


Real-time insights

By optimizing the internal IT infrastructure and building custom APIs between tools, organizations can create dashboards that display real-time data, making teams much more agile and able to respond rapidly to trends and issues.


Onboarding apps

Use the Betty Blocks platform to make sure that new customers or employees start off on the right foot by creating user-friendly onboarding applications integrated with AI to complement your existing application suite.


Create connectors

Many software tools used in the finance industry integrate poorly with third-party tools due to security policies. With Betty Blocks, secure API connections can be created so that external apps and data can be seamlessly integrated


Governance tools

Build secure governance tools right into your existing financial services suite for a clearer overview of users. Being able to create flexible permission settings allows admins to assign custom authorization based on the employee’s role.


FAQ low-code for financial services

How do I know that applications built with Betty Blocks are secure?
Betty Blocks holds an ISO 27991 certificate and is audited by Kiwa to ensure that the platform abides by industry security standards. 
Can I use Betty Blocks together with existing finance software?

Yes, the Betty Blocks platform offers a host of different third-party API integrations through the Block Store feature. The platform also allows developers to create their own omnichannel integration layers in order to create connections between their financial service software and third-party applications.

Where can I find a pricing model?
We offer a comprehensive pricing model for both small businesses and enterprises on our pricing page
Is there a demo available?
Yes, of course. If you’re curious about what other financial services tools you can build with Betty Blocks, then don’t hesitate to schedule a personal consultation with one of our solution experts here