Betty Blocks for Developers

Low-code platforms empower professional developers with the speed and agility to develop new applications at a rapid pace. Use integrated tools, pre-built templates, and a visual coding environment to create stunning applications, portals, tools, and interfaces.

Low-Code Benefits for Developers:


Intuitive visual coding environment


Seamlessly integrate with third-party APIs


Collaborative application life cycle management

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How Does Low-Code Assist Developers?

Low-code tools are becoming more prevalent within the developer community. Betty Blocks empowers developers of any caliber to optimize and accelerate the way they build applications within an organization. The platform supports IT professionals with a visual IDE, pre-built templates, intuitive data models, and automatic versioning. Low-code is meant to act as a crutch rather than to replace traditional development altogether. On top of that, low-code platforms allow business users to configure or even create their own tools with the supervision of IT professionals. All in all, low-code development tools are meant to improve the speed of operations and foster collaborations between developers and business users.

Add Low-Code to Your Development Toolkit

What developers look for in a low-code platform is the speed of development on top of the flexibility of writing your own code.


No-Code platforms are too rigid because they simply allow users to configure existing tools rather than create and customize them. Betty Blocks strikes the right balance between agile coding capabilities and ease of development. Cutting out the need to write boilerplate code significantly accelerates the entire development process. 


By adding the power of low-code platforms to the existing development infrastructure, developers will be able to execute tasks more quickly and efficiently. Thanks to their versatility and speed, low-code tools free up the IT backlog, making them the go-to solution for CIOs and CTOs to aid their teams. It is imperative that developers still maintain the freedom they value while writing code, which is what makes a low-code platform with customization capabilities so attractive. 


Front-End Speed

Simplify front-end programming through low-code software capabilities. Utilize ease of development without compromising on the freedom of traditional coding.


Back-End Security

Betty Blocks is secure by design, thanks to our ISO 27001 certification. When building apps and portals, ensure application security through SSO login authentication.


Third-Party Integrations

Import third-party data sources at the click of a button. Betty Blocks connects with popular APIs such as SalesForcce, Sharepoint, SQL, and even AI tools.


Future-Proof Existing Enterprise Software

One of the biggest challenges developers face in this fast-paced digital world is keeping software agile. Development teams often don’t have the luxury of anticipating software changes and user needs before they become an issue due to their strained backlog. Low-code platforms enable developers to work with modular architectures and containers, breaking up large software systems into smaller components. This approach ensures that incremental changes can be made to update and extend internal tooling and maintain existing code to make it more resistant to changes. Scalability is key to making sure that enterprise software can adapt to changing user needs and market fluctuations. Due to a low-code platform’s customizable components, parts of the software are easily organized and maintained in a cost-efficient cloud-based environment. Version control is an extra safeguard to make sure that deployment and security are up to standard and can be rolled back when needed. This gives developers an extra level of security and flexibility.

Low-Code Development Tools

Betty Blocks takes great care to ensure that developers get what they value out of the platform. A low-code platform must align with modern coding languages such as React, Rust, Javascript, Ruby, and Python, as well as development practices and security protocols. This gives peace of mind when using the platform and enables programmers to focus on the tasks at hand.


Intuitive IDE

A visual drag-and-drop IDE speeds up front-end design and back-end integrations in order to create stunning web and mobile applications that satisfy the end-user requirements.


Extensible Programming

Blocks developed within the platform can be extended with custom-written code as needed. Once created, blocks can be re-used for any future projects and tools in the company’s Block Store.


Agile Maintenance

To keep the organization agile, software and applications must be maintained even after release. Betty Blocks offers speed of maintenance on top of speed of development.

Seamlessly Modernize Legacy

Over the years, software development has become more streamlined and collaborative, making outdated technologies cumbersome and hard to scale with modern requirements. Every organization deals with the need to modernize legacy systems at some point. More often than not, converting older mission-critical systems to continue to serve the business can be a lengthy project, not to mention costly. Low-code development can be a great augmentation tool for an IT team’s output, allowing them to make incremental improvements while maintaining a clear overview of the overall process. This is done, among others, through role permissions and container modules with version control.

It is important to note that low-code platforms are not suited to be used as the sole framework for a core enterprise system. Rather, they are used to speed up the modernization process or augment existing systems to comply with the desired criteria.
Custom Blocks in the Block Store

Extend and Reuse Custom Code

As touched on before, the reason for adding a low-code platform to the development toolkit is its speedy implementation capabilities. Much like a GitHub directory, low-code platforms offer the option to document, manage, and re-use their own custom code. With Betty Blocks, we allow organizations to store their custom code within the so-called “Block Store.” This allows developers to quickly repurpose code written in the past and utilize it to build new applications faster and with the right requirements.

Betty Blocks Platform Architecture

Since the Betty Blocks low-code platform is built with speed in mind, we make sure that all essential components reflect this, from the visual drag-and-drop interface to the intuitive data and action modeling capabilities. By providing code templates and pre-built functionalities, developers can focus more on building the application and customizing components as needed.


Cloud-Based Hosting

Betty Blocks gives organizations three options for hosting: Public cloud, private cloud, and on-premise hosting.


Automatic Versioning

We make sure that the platform runs the latest version and is as safe and secure as possible with 99% up-time.


Container Deployment

Kubernetes containers fully support the Betty Blocks platform, allowing for rapid cloud-native scalability and container orchestration.

How Developers Support Fusion Teams

With a low-code platform like Betty Blocks, teams outside of the IT department can collaborate through so-called fusion times. Business-led IT has become more mainstream over the years as organizations have come to realize the benefits of getting people from all sides of the business involved in the software development process. We call this Citizen Development, and when done right, non-technical employees can be a great asset when creating new applications as they understand the software requirements from an operational perspective. Here, IT can act as a bridge between the business side and the technical side of an organization. Of course, developers are still at the heart of each fusion team and provide controlled governance and support to make sure that tools developed within the platform are in line with IT standards.

FAQ About Betty Blocks for Developers

How does low-code compare to traditional development?

Low-code development cannot replace traditional development. We don’t want it to, either. Low-code tools can simply be used to accelerate the overall development process and cut out the need for writing boilerplate code so that developers can focus more on finetuning and innovating. 

Can developers add any missing components themselves?

Yes, of course. The power of low-code really shines when custom blocks are built to augment existing code and software to fit the user’s needs. All custom code is stored in the Block Store on the Betty Blocks platform, which can only be accessed by people within your organization. Any custom code is not public, ensuring the integrity of the organization’s software and internal tools. 

Is a low-code platform secure against data leaks?

Yes, thanks to the platform's ISO certification and SSO authentication on every account, IT teams do not need to worry about data leaks or breaches. Betty Blocks is not an open-source low-code platform. However, we are always open to suggestions from fellow developers on how to improve our platform to suit your needs better.  

What can a low-code developer build with Betty Blocks?

The Betty Blocks low-code platform lends itself well to all use cases, from internal tooling to supporting components of mission-critical applications. However, we pride ourselves on giving users the freedom and flexibility to create stunning-looking designs and themes for their end products while maintaining a high standard of code quality. 

Which developer roles are best suited for low-code programming?

Betty Blocks enables all users to build an application or tool. Whether they are full-stack developers or business-side users. The platform is designed so that employees with no coding background can still participate in the software development process while developers are able to completely customize components or support the business in a governed way.

Can I get a demo of the Betty Blocks platform?

Yes, we offer a quick 30-minute demo with one of our platform experts. Click here to schedule a demo.
