From analog to automated

The Legal Expertise and Enforcement Unit for the Province of South Holland deals with a variety of matters around policies, including the settlement of damage claims. Until recently, this was still done using Excel sheets which took a lot of time and caused frustration among employees. EsperantoXL, a no-code development partner of Betty Blocks was brought in to automate South Holland's claims process with the goal of simplifying tasks for the entire team.

“We did not have a good idea of ​​what the system should look like ourselves purely because we have been working the same way for years.”

Manual data entry

South Holland’s Excel-based information processing created a complex administrative workflow whenever citizens tried to recover damages. Claims needed to be manually retyped from a claim form or email which took a lot of time and led to frequent handling errors.

Since only one person could work in the file at a time, each employee ended up creating their own decentralized lists. Without any synchronized data between the lists, there was never any single complete overview of information. Their issues would only compound when, for example, colleagues fell ill and the rest of the team had no idea of ​​the progress and status of certain cases.

Form-fitting administration software

Through a purpose-designed government platform, the Province of South Holland realized that other organizations used automation systems to easily track and store claim data. This also seemed to be a necessary solution for them. One of the major challenges, before they could embrace automation, was linking a newly built back office with existing systems.

The EsperantoXL team was brought in to assist, meeting with the Province of South Holland every week to discuss the development project. Due to this intensive collaboration, EsperantoXL could remain agile throughout the processes and respond to feedback quickly. EsperantoXL quickly made a number of demos, which gave the team a better idea of ​​the various options available. When it became apparent that they were on the right track, EsperantoXL was able to deliver a finished product within a week.