Proud to be SAP certified

Here at Betty Blocks, we’re proud to say that our citizen development platform is SAP certified as built on SAP® Business Technology Platform, and that we have joined the SAP PartnerEdge® program.

What does this mean? Put simply, the fact our platform is now available on SAP® Store means that we’re able to offer no- and low-code development tools and resources to businesses using SAP technologies. SAP Store recently merged with SAP App Center as the single digital marketplace for SAP and partner offerings.
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“We are proud to announce that our platform is SAP certified as built on SAP Business Technology Platform and available on SAP Store.”

Chris_Obdam_Portrait_LR__2_-1 Chris Obdam, CEO at Betty Blocks

Why combine no-code and low-code with SAP?

SAP isn't without its challenges and enterprise organizations are embracing no- and low-code platforms in order to power innovation whilst continuing to use their SAP data. Let's take a look at some of these challenges:

On-premise SAP challenges
  • On-premise SAP is turning into a legacy system;
  • Remote working isn't easily facilitated;
  • Does not allow for modern (mobile) apps;
  • Migration to SAP cloud is time-consuming and very cost-intensive;
  • SAP customers who are running on-premise SAP have customized their SAP install to such an extent that it is difficult to migrate to SAP Cloud;
  • On-premise SAP has many integrations with other on-premise solutions.

SAP cloud challenges
  • You are unable to easily create applications on top of SAP. SAP cloud Fiori development tools are not built for citizen developers.
  • You are stuck with applications you can't adapt. Missing features in SAP applications cannot be easily added or configured;
  • It's difficult to integrate multiple systems/platforms to merge and interpret data.