What to expect

learn about...

  • What citizen development is and how it increases speed of innovation and agility.
  • How Betty Blocks empowers (IT governed) citizen development.
  • What the sweet spot is for no-code use cases
  • Showcase of our platform's features and integrations
  • Example application

What & Why Betty Blocks?

Betty blocks is a no-code application development  platforms which enable Citizen Developers to drag-and-drop pre-configured blocks to create advanced, enterprise-grade applications.

The business knows what it needs best and their Citizen Developers are the no-code era frontrunners. They seek (and find) solutions with or without the help of IT. With Betty Blocks, Citizen Developers have a platform for all their creative sparks, within an environment approved and controlled by IT. This prevents shadow IT, bridges the gap between the business and IT and enables innovation like nothing else.